Underworld’s Second Toughest of the Infants album
Velvet smooth electronica with teeth.
Cinematic/tech artist & filmmaker. Online since 1999.
Underworld’s Second Toughest of the Infants album
Velvet smooth electronica with teeth.
More at YouTubeCapper.Blogspot.com. Create your own here.
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“That’s my line!”
“See? Lying guards.”
“Don’t put that in my head.”
“I’m here now!”
Capped by Space Toast
Sennebec Lake, Union, ME, looking towards Appleton.
Stitched together in Hugin from 25 camera phone pictures. Miller cylindrical projection.
And Penobscot Bay, from Ragged Mountain.
Stitched together in Hugin from 21 camera phone pictures. Fisheye projection.
The more I read about the Polanski case, the harder I find myself leaning toward witch hunt, but I’ll remain on the fence. The pertinent data seems to be as follows:
Statutory rape is based on the assumption that a woman under 18 can not make rational decisions about her sexuality when confronted with an adult. This may be true. The US says that this girl could have in 5 years. Britain says she could have in 3. Other countries differ in either direction. In my opinion, the US is closer to the truth. Whatever the case, it’s difficult to argue sanely that the crime is equal to that of a forced sexual assault against an adult woman.
On the question of force, we have two pieces of evidence. Less valuable are Geimer’s recollections of her feelings at the time, which, as hard as it is to accept, were nearly useless when recorded 30 years after the fact. More damning is the application of methaqualone to the girl’s drink — at the time a popular grey market recreational sedative.
There is no pattern of action, unusual for a true sexual predator. Polanski has received no allegations of sexual misconduct in the years preceding, nor in the years since. His pregnant wife had been murdered eight years before the incident. Polanski has now been married for the past 20 years. A settlement was reached, Geimer has dropped charges, and wishes to see the whole thing forgotten.
But America can go a bit nuts when a crime involves sex, especially with a minor, even while lingering over its American Eagle ads. It can resemble a kind of ritual flagellation, and if that’s the case no one deserves to be flogged for our own sins. As I said, I’m reserving judgement on Polanski, but there’s a whiff of inquisition about this.
North and south walls will be indentical, so I’ve framed them together.
Dad had this 12″ adjustable T-square with a 45 degree edge and a bubble level. Best tool ever made.
Windows will be on permanent hinges. Think it’s best not to set them until the walls are assembled and the roof is on, to make sure the openings have squeezed into their final shape.
Getting the hang of some cross bracing tricks. Getting less picky on others. This is probably progress.
Had to deepen notches on one set of cross-braces after nailing the pieces into the frame. Slow.
Going through a lot of podcasts working down in the shop. Generally better than being being alone with my thoughts. “News Quiz” is back on BBC 4. Ace.
Still studying roofs. May be able to scrounge some old metal roofing, but will have to figure out a way to cut it.
West wall next.
Framed the east wall.
Mediocre joints. Still working too slowly and carefully.
Still haven’t decided how to put the roof together.
Using nails here and there, when there shouldn’t be sundering pressure. Having to pre-drill oak even to put nails in.
Stitched together in Hugin from 32 camera phone pictures. Miller cylindrical projection.
Replaced the frame of the picture window.
Removed the old goop and gave the window a preliminary wash. Cut a 1/2″ x 1 & 3/4″ channel into the new frame edges on the table saw, then removed the excess with a chisel.
Still need to improve at making joints, but started to get the hang of using a combination of bandsaw and hand saw to cut the corner bridles.
Used Silicon II to seal the glass into the channels. Fixed the corners together with screws.
Framing east wall next.